Psalm 23 — The Lord is my shepherd

With the creator of the universe as my protector, provider and guide, I shall never want for anything.

He gives me rest in the midst of his abundance and refreshes and sustains me
as would a quiet stream in the desert.

When I am weary and withered inside, frightened and despairing, he lifts me up and makes me whole again.

When I am confused and lost; when I am prideful and wrongheaded;
he sets me straight and keeps me true because he has adopted me as his child and I wear his name.

Even in the dark valleys of life, oh Lord, when the shadow sweeps over me, as surely it will,
and death touches my friends, my family, myself — even then I will not be afraid.

Even in the face of that old enemy, I am fearless because you are at my side.

I am secure in your strength and comforted by your constant care.

The peace you give me is beyond my understanding.
When I ought to be afraid, then your presence settles around me and I feel perfectly at home.
When fears and foes surround, you make me your honored guest, safe in your care.

Blessing follows upon blessing until they are beyond counting;
until my mind cannot hold them all and my spirit is overwhelmed by the greatness of your love.

The Lord is my shepherd and as surely as he leads me,
goodness and mercy and love will be mine today, tomorrow and all the days of my life.

And beyond the days of my life, I shall still be his.
Forever and forever, I will be his child.
And he will be my Father and my friend — forever.

from Psalm 23 

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Psalm 23 – paraphrase (#2)

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    A Prayer from Psalm 23


Psalm 23 — A Paraphrase (#1) — 9 Comments

    • Thank you, Rachel, and God bless. One of the amazing things about God’s Word is how simple and understandable it is, while at the same time being powerfully and wonderfully deep.

  1. Dear friend, thankyou for this. On Sunday 26th I am to conduct a Remembrance Service not only commemorating fallen soldiers but also those folk left behind at home to mourn and greave…. I have been thinking about using Psalm 23 but wanted to have a meaningful paraphrase which would give perspective for those left behind on the home front….. This afternoon I found your web site and feel quite strongly that I am to use your Paraphrase. Thank you for your diligence in placing it on line…. Blessinsg & Joy, Allen.

    • Allen,
      I am blessed to have a small part in your good work. I pray that God will use you to impart his transcendent peace and fathomless grace to those to whom you minister in the Remembrance Service. May he richly bless you in all you do.

  2. I am a freelance writer residing in southeast Nebraska. My husband (a pastor) and I write a weekly devotional column that is currently published by two weekly newspapers, one in Nebraska, and the other in Iowa.
    I am writing to ask permission to use the Psalm 23 paraphrase (#1) in our column. (I am assuming you are the author of it.)
    Thank you for your prompt reply.

    • Thank you for asking. Please feel free to use Psalm 23 paraphrase (#1) in your column(s). If it is not a burden, I would like to see your devotional column. Perhaps just a site to the newspaper(s) would suffice.
      May God bless you in your service to Him.
      Chuck Poncelow

      • Thank you for your prompt and gracious response. Neither weekly paper has an online edition. However, if you’d be willing to send me your email address, I’d be glad to e-mail you a finished copy of the column, as well as why I feel it is especially appropriate for our small NE community at this time.
        Thank you so much, Chuck.

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